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艺术 (yìshù) is used in everyday conversation to refer to the concept of art. It is often used to describe a particular type of art, such as 绘画 (huìhuà) for painting, 雕塑 (diāosù) for sculpture, or 摄影 (shèyǐng) for photography. It can also be used to describe a particular style of art, such as 中国画 (zhōngguóhuà) for Chinese painting, or 新古典主义 (xīngǔdiǎnzhǔyì) for Neoclassicism. It can also be used in the phrase "artist", which is 艺术家 in Chinese, such as 莫奈 (mònài), which is Monet, or 毕加索 (bìjiāsuǒ), which is Picasso.
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1. 美术 (měishù) - fine arts, visual arts
2. 文艺 (wényì) - literature and art, cultural and artistic activities
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