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几时 (jǐ shí) is used to ask "what time, when". It is used to ask about the time of an event or when something will happen. For example, one might ask "你几时出发?" (nǐ jǐ shí chū fā?) which translates to "At what time are you departing?".
Is there any difference in meaning or usage between 何時 and 幾時 ?
"何时" is more formal and suitable for written or formal speech (academic writing, official documents, or formal speeches), while "几时" is more casual and commonly used in everyday spoken language. The choice between them depends on the level of formality and the context in which you are speaking.
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1. 何时 (hé shí) - This phrase also means "what time, when" and is pronounced the same as 几时. It is a more formal and polite way of asking for the time or schedule.
2. 什么时候 (shén me shí hou) - This phrase literally translates to "what time" and is commonly used to ask for the time or schedule. It can also be used to ask about future plans or events.
3. 几点 (jǐ diǎn) - This phrase means "what hour" and is often used to ask for the specific time of an event or appointment. It is more commonly used in spoken language.
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