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The correct way to use 总数 (zǒngshù) in a sentence is to refer to the total amount or sum of something. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
Example 1: 这个月的总数是一百万。(Zhège yuè de zǒngshù shì yībǎi wàn.) The total amount for this month is one million.
Example 2: 总数包括所有的费用。(Zǒngshù bāokuò suǒyǒu de fèiyòng.) The total amount includes all expenses.
Example 3: 总数比去年增加了百分之十。(Zǒngshù bǐ qùnián zēngjiāle bǎifēnzhī shí.) The total amount has increased by ten percent compared to last year.
Example 4: 这是总数最高的一笔交易。(Zhè shì zǒngshù zuìgāo de yībǐ jiāoyì.) This is the highest total amount transaction.
Example 5: 总数不包括税费。(Zǒngshù bù bāokuò shuìfèi.) The total amount does not include taxes and fees.
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