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滋润 (zī rùn) is a verb that means "to moisten" or "to irrigate". It can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is moist or well-hydrated.
Example 1:
我每天都会用保湿霜来滋润我的皮肤。(Wǒ měi tiān dū huì yòng bǎo shī shuāng lái zī rùn wǒ de pí fū.)
Translation: I use a moisturizer every day to keep my skin moist.
Example 2:
土地需要雨水滋润才能种出好的庄稼。(Tǔ dì xū yào yǔ shuǐ zī rùn cái néng zhòng chū hǎo de zhuāng jià.)
Translation: The land needs to be irrigated by rain in order to grow good crops.
Example 3:
这种面膜可以滋润你的脸部肌肤。(Zhè zhǒng miàn mó kě yǐ zī rùn nǐ de liǎn bù jī fū.)
Translation: This face mask can moisturize your facial skin.
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