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Thank you for your suggestion! We have added this idiom into our dictionary: 顺手牵羊 / 順手牽羊 [shun4 shou3 qian1 yang2] , (idiom) to lead away a goat in passing; (fig.) to steal something under cover of an emergency, to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain
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顺手 (shùnshǒu) is a commonly used phrase in both formal and casual situations. It can be used to describe something that is done smoothly and easily, without any extra effort or trouble. It can also refer to something that is conveniently located or easily accessible.
In formal situations, 顺手 (shùnshǒu) can be used to describe a task or action that is done efficiently and without any complications. For example, in a business setting, one might say "这个任务很顺手,我很快就完成了" (zhè gè rènwù hěn shùnshǒu, wǒ hěn kuài jiù wánchéng le) which means "This task was very smooth, I finished it quickly."
In casual situations, 顺手 (shùnshǒu) can be used to describe something that is done easily or without much thought. For example, if someone asks you to pass them an object and it happens to be within your reach, you could say "这个东西就在我旁边,我顺手就给你了" (zhè gè dōngxi jiù zài wǒ pángbiān, wǒ shùnshǒu jiù gěi nǐ le) which means "The object was right next to me, so I just handed it to you without any extra effort."
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1. 顺利 (shùn lì) - smoothly, successfully, without any obstacles or difficulties
2. 轻松 (qīng sōng) - relaxed, easy, without any stress or pressure
3. 便利 (biàn lì) - convenient, handy, easy to use or access
4. 顺畅 (shùn chàng) - smooth, unobstructed, without any interruptions or delays
5. 顺心 (shùn xīn) - satisfactory, according to one's wishes or desires
6. 顺当 (shùn dang) - appropriate, suitable, without any problems or issues
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1. 我顺手把钥匙放在了钥匙盒里。(Wǒ shùnshǒu bǎ yàoshi fàng zài le yàoshi hé lǐ.) - I conveniently put the keys in the key box.
2. 他很顺手地完成了这项任务。(Tā hěn shùnshǒu de wánchéng le zhè xiàng rènwù.) - He smoothly completed this task.
4. 这把剪刀很顺手,剪起纸来很容易。(Zhè bǎ jiǎndāo hěn shùnshǒu, jiǎn qǐ zhǐ lái hěn róngyì.) - These scissors are very easy to use, cutting paper is effortless.
7. 我们顺手买了一些水果。(Wǒmen shùnshǒu mǎi le yīxiē shuǐguŏ.) - We conveniently bought some fruits.
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