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1. 宋朝 (sòng cháo) - This is the full name of the Song Dynasty, which ruled China from 420-479. It can also refer to the period of time when the Song Dynasty was in power.
2. 宋国 (sòng guó) - This means "Song country" and can refer to the territory under the control of the Song Dynasty.
3. 宋代 (sòng dài) - This means "Song era" and can refer to the time period when the Song Dynasty was in power.
4. 宋诗 (sòng shī) - This means "Song poetry" and refers to the poetry written during the Song Dynasty, which is known for its elegant and refined style.
5. 姓宋 (xìng sòng) - This means "to have Song as one's surname".
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