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谈论 is used to refer to discussing, debating, or talking about a particular topic. It is often used in the context of a conversation or a meeting, such as when two people are discussing a particular issue. For example, one might say: “我们在谈论这个问题 (wǒmen zài tánlùn zhège wèntí) We are discussing this issue.”
It can also be used to refer to a more formal discussion, such as a debate or a lecture. For example, one might say: “他们谈论了这个话题 (tāmen tánlùn le zhège huàtí) They discussed this topic.”
It can also be used to refer to a more abstract discussion, such as a philosophical debate. For example, one might say: “他们谈论了人生的意义 (tāmen tánlùn le rénshēng de yìyì) They discussed the meaning of life.”
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