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依据 (yījù) is commonly used in a sentence to indicate that something is based on a certain standard or source. It can also be used to refer to the foundation or basis of something.
Example 1:
根据公司的规定,员工必须每天按时上班。(Gēnjù gōngsī de guīdì, yuángōng bìxū měitiān ànshí shàngbān.)
According to the company's regulations, employees must arrive to work on time every day.
Example 2:
这项决定是依据市场调查的结果做出的。(Zhè xiàng juédìng shì yījù shìchǎng diàochá de jiéguǒ zuòchū de.)
This decision was made based on the results of market research.
Example 3:
这个理论的依据是大量的实验数据。(Zhège lǐlùn de yījù shì dàliàng de shíyàn shùjù.)
The basis of this theory is a large amount of experimental data.
In these examples, 依据 (yījù) is used to indicate that the action or decision is based on a certain standard or source, such as regulations, research, or data. It can also be used to refer to the foundation or basis of a theory or idea.
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We added a few more examples:
缺少实验依据 [phr] be short of experimental evidence
法律依据 [nphr] legal basis
总依据 [n] general basis
基本依据 [nphr] fundamental basis
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依据 (yījù) is typically used when referring to a specific source or reference that serves as the basis for something. It can also be used to indicate that something is being done in accordance with a certain standard or guideline.
For example, if you are writing a research paper and want to cite a specific book or article as the basis for your argument, you would use 依据 (yījù) to introduce the source. This indicates that your argument is based on the information presented in that source.
In contrast, if you are simply stating a fact or making a general statement, you would not use 依据 (yījù). Instead, you could use other words such as 根据 (gēnjù) or 按照 (ànzhào), which also mean "according to" or "based on."
For example, if you are stating a fact about the weather, you could say "根据天气预报 (gēnjù tiānqì yùbào) - according to the weather forecast." This does not necessarily refer to a specific source, but rather a general understanding or observation.
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