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One possible synonym for 赠送 (zèngsòng) is 赠予 (zèngyǔ), which also means "give as a gift" and has a similar pronunciation of "zèng yǔ". Other possible synonyms include 赠与 (zèngyǔ) and 赠赐 (zèngcì), both of which also mean "give as a gift" and have similar pronunciations of "zèng yǔ" and "zèng cì" respectively.
Some other related words that could be used in place of 赠送 (zèngsòng) include 送给 (sònggěi), which means "give to" or "present to", and 赠送给 (zèngsònggěi), which combines the meanings of both 赠送 (zèngsòng) and 送给 (sònggěi).
It is important to note that while these words may have similar meanings and pronunciations, they may also have slightly different connotations or usage in certain contexts. It is always best to consult a dictionary or native speaker for the most appropriate word to use in a specific situation.
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