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1. 压 (yā): to press down; to apply pressure 2. 冷却 (lěngquè): to cool down; to chill 3. 冰镇 (bīngzhèn): to cool with ice; iced 4. 城镇 (chéngzhèn): city; urban area 5. 镇压 (zhènyā): to suppress; to quell
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镇 (zhèn), when used as a noun, refers to a place - a town or township, typically smaller than a city but larger than a village.
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1. To apply weight to - In weightlifting or strength training, it is important to gradually increase the weight to build muscle. In this case, 镇 can be used to describe the action of applying weight to the barbell or dumbbell.
2. To cool with ice or in cold water - In traditional Chinese medicine, 镇 can be used to describe the method of using ice or cold water to cool down the body or reduce inflammation. For example, 镇痛 (zhèn tòng) means to relieve pain by applying ice or cold water.
3. Town - 镇 can also refer to a town or township in Chinese. For example, 农村镇 (nóng cūn zhèn) means rural town, and 城镇化 (chéng zhèn huà) means urbanization.
4. To calm or stabilize (平静或稳定) - In some contexts, 镇 can be used to describe the action of calming or stabilizing a situation. For example, 镇定 (zhèn dìng) means to calm down, and 镇压 (zhèn yā) means to suppress or quel
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