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The correct way to use 挣扎 (zhēng zhá) in a sentence is to describe a situation in which someone is struggling with a difficult task or situation. For example, you could say: 他挣扎着完成这项任务 (tā zhēng zházhe wánchéng zhè xiàng rènwù) which means "He is struggling to complete this task".
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1. 斗争 (dòu zhēng): This word also means "struggle" but is more commonly used to describe a political or social struggle, such as a fight for rights or power.
2. 拼搏 (pīn bó): This word means "to fight" or "to strive" and can also be used to describe a struggle or effort to achieve something.
3. 煎熬 (jiān áo): This word means "to suffer" or "to endure" and can be used to describe a difficult or painful struggle.
4. 苦斗 (kǔ dòu): This word means "to fight bitterly" and is often used to describe a fierce struggle or competition.
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