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1. 壮志凌云 (zhuàng zhì líng yún) - to have lofty ambitions; to aim high
This expression is often used to describe someone who has great aspirations and is determined to achieve them.
2. 壮丽 (zhuàng lì) - magnificent; grand; splendid
This word is often used to describe something that is visually impressive and awe-inspiring.
3. 壮观 (zhuàng guān) - spectacular; grand; impressive
Similar to 壮丽, this word is used to describe something that is visually stunning and impressive.
4. 壮大 (zhuàng dà) - to strengthen; to expand; to grow
This word is often used to describe the process of making something bigger, stronger, or more powerful.
5. 壮烈 (zhuàng liè) - heroic; brave; valiant
This word is often used to describe someone who has shown great courage and bravery in the face of danger or adversity.
6. 壮年 (zhuàng nián) - prime of life; in one's prime
This word is used to describe the period of time when someone is at their physical and mental peak, typically in their 30s and 40s.
7. 壮士 (zhuàng shì) - brave warrior; strong man
This word is often used to refer to a brave and strong man, especially in a military or heroic context.
8. 壮举 (zhuàng jǔ) - great feat; remarkable achievement
This word is used to describe an impressive or remarkable accomplishment or achievement.
9. 壮胆 (zhuàng dǎn) - to boost courage; to embolden
This word is often used to describe the act of giving someone courage or confidence, especially in a difficult or challenging situation.
10. 壮实 (zhuàng shí) - strong; sturdy; robust
This word is used to describe something or someone that is physically strong and sturdy.
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