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孤儿 (gū ér) is a noun that refers to a child who has lost both parents or has been abandoned by them. It can also be used to describe a child who is without any family or support.
Example 1: 这个小男孩是一个孤儿,他的父母在一次车祸中双双去世了。(Zhè gè xiǎo nán hái shì yī gè gū ér, tā de fù mǔ zài yī cì chē huò zhōng shuāng shuāng qù shì le.) Translation: This little boy is an orphan, his parents both passed away in a car accident.
Example 2: 这个孤儿院为无家可归的孩子们提供食物和住所。(Zhè gè gū ér yuàn wèi wú jiā kě guī de hái zi men tí gōng shí wù hé zhù suǒ.) Translation: This orphanage provides food and shelter for children who have nowhere else to go.
Example 3: 他从小就是一个孤儿,但是他并没有因此而放弃对生活的希望。(Tā cóng xiǎo jiù shì yī gè gū ér, dàn shì tā bìng méi yǒu yīn cǐ ér fàng qì duì shēng huó de xī wàng.) Translation: He has been an orphan since he was young, but he never gave up hope for a better life.
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