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静悄悄 (jìngqiāoqiāo) means "very quiet" or "extremely quiet". It is often used to describe a situation or environment that is completely silent or very peaceful.
Example 1: 今天的图书馆静悄悄,几乎没有人说话。(Jīntiān de túshūguǎn jìngqiāoqiāo, jīhū méiyǒu rén shuōhuà.) Translation: The library is very quiet today, almost no one is talking.
Example 2: 晚上的森林里静悄悄的,只能听到虫鸣和树叶的沙沙声。(Wǎnshàng de sēnlín lǐ jìngqiāoqiāo de, zhǐ néng tīngdào chóngmíng hé shùyè de shāshā shēng.) Translation: The forest is very quiet at night, you can only hear the chirping of insects and the rustling of leaves.
Example 3: 孩子们都睡了,家里变得静悄悄的。(Háizimen dōu shuì le, jiālǐ biàn dé jìngqiāoqiāo de.) Translation: The children are all asleep, the house has become very quiet.
In these examples, 静悄悄 is used to emphasize the level of quietness in a particular situation. It can also be used to describe a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.
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