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就算 (jiù suàn) is a commonly used phrase in everyday Chinese that means "even if" or "granted that." It is often used to express a hypothetical or unlikely situation, and is similar in meaning to "even though" or "despite."
For example:
- 就算下雨,我也会去跑步。(jiù suàn xià yǔ, wǒ yě huì qù pǎo bù.) Even if it rains, I will still go for a run.
- 就算他不同意,我也会坚持我的想法。(jiù suàn tā bù tóng yì, wǒ yě huì jiān chí wǒ de xiǎng fǎ.) Even if he doesn't agree, I will still stick to my opinion.
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1. 即使 (jí shǐ) - even if, even though
2. 纵使 (zòng shǐ) - even if, even though
3. 尽管 (jǐn guǎn) - even if, despite
4. 虽然 (suī rán) - although, even though
5. 哪怕 (nǎ pà) - even if, no matter
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