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抗拒 (kàngjù) is a verb that means "to resist; oppose, defy, withstand" in English. It is pronounced as "kàng jù" in Mandarin Chinese.
Example 1: 他抗拒了医生的建议,坚持自己的治疗方法。(Tā kàngjù le yīshēng de jiànyì, jiānchí zìjǐ de zhìliáo fāngfǎ.) He resisted the doctor's advice and insisted on his own treatment method.
Example 2: 她抗拒父母的安排,决定自己出国留学。(Tā kàngjù fùmǔ de ānpái, juédìng zìjǐ chūguó liúxué.) She defied her parents' arrangements and decided to study abroad on her own.
Example 3: 这种药物可以帮助抗拒病毒的侵袭。(Zhè zhǒng yàowù kěyǐ bāngzhù kàngjù bìngdú de qīnxí.) This medication can help resist the invasion of viruses.
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