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Other words that have a similar meaning to 乃 (nǎi) include:
1. 所以 (suǒyǐ): "therefore; so; thus"
2. 因此 (yīncǐ): "therefore; so; as a result"
3. 于是 (yúshì): "therefore; so; as a result"
4. 因而 (yīn'ér): "therefore; so; as a result"
5. 故 (gù): "therefore; so; as a result"
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乃 (nǎi) is used to express a logical conclusion or to emphasize a point. It is usually placed at the end of a sentence, and is often used in written Chinese.
For example, 他们没有认真学习,乃 (nǎi) 导致了考试失败。(tāmen méiyǒu rènzhēn xuéxí, nǎi dǎozhì le kǎoshì shībài.) - They did not study seriously, which led to their failure in the exam.
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