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配套 (pèitào) is used in contexts where a complete set of items is needed. For example, it can be used to refer to a set of furniture, a set of dishes, or a set of tools. It can also be used to refer to a set of documents, such as a set of legal documents or a set of financial documents. In some cases, it can also be used to refer to a set of services, such as a set of services provided by a company.
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全套 (quán tào): This phrase literally means "full set" and can be used to refer to a complete set of items.
齐全 (qí quán): This phrase literally means "complete" and can be used to refer to a complete set of items.
一体 (yī tǐ): This phrase literally means "one body" and can be used to refer to a complete set of items.
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