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1. 整理 (zhěnglǐ): to arrange, to organize.
2. 整顿 (zhěngdùn): to tidy up, to put in order.
3. 打扫 (dǎsǎo): to sweep, to clean.
4. 清扫 (qīngsǎo): to sweep, to clean.
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You can use 清理 (qīnglǐ) in a sentence to mean "put in order, clean, disentangle, sort out". For example, you can say "我要清理我的桌子 (wǒ yào qīnglǐ wǒ de zhuōzi) - I need to clean my desk". This sentence implies that you are putting your desk in order, cleaning it, and sorting out any mess.
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