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1. 妥协 (tuǒ xié) - to compromise, reach a compromise
2. 折衷 (zhé zhōng) - to find a middle ground, strike a balance
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To make an appropriate request using 让步 (ràng bù), you can use the following phrases:
1. "我愿意让步,但是希望你也能做出一些让步。" (Wǒ yuànyì ràng bù, dànshì xīwàng nǐ yě néng zuò chū yīxiē ràng bù.) - I am willing to compromise, but I hope you can also make some concessions.
2. "我们可以让步,达成一个双赢的局面。" (Wǒmen kěyǐ ràng bù, dáchéng yīgè shuāng yíng de júmiàn.) - We can compromise with each other and achieve a win-win situation.
3. "我知道你的想法很重要,但是我希望你能够让步一下,考虑一下我的意见。" (Wǒ zhīdào nǐ de xiǎngfǎ hěn zhòngyào, dànshì wǒ xīwàng nǐ nénggòu ràng bù yīxià, kǎolǜ yīxià wǒ de yìjiàn.) - I know your thoughts are important, but I hope you can make a concession and consider my opinions.
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让步 (ràng bù) is used to express making a concession, giving in, or compromising. For example, you could say: 他们让步了,同意把交易日期推迟一个月。(tāmen ràng bù le, tóngyì bǎ jiāoyì rìqī tuīchí yīgè yuè.) They made a concession and agreed to postpone the transaction date by one month.
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