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捎 (shāo) is usually used in informal situations. It is a colloquial term that means "take along something to somebody, bring to somebody". It is often used in spoken language, but not usually in written language.
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1. 捎带 (shāodài) - to bring along, to take with
Example: 我来北京出差,可以捎带一些特产回去吗?(Wǒ lái běijīng chūchāi, kěyǐ shāodài yīxiē tèchǎn huíqù ma?) - I'm on a business trip to Beijing, can I bring back some local specialties?
2. 捎信 (shāoxìn) - to deliver a message, to pass on a message
Example: 我可以麻烦你捎信给我父母吗?(Wǒ kěyǐ máfan nǐ shāoxìn gěi wǒ fùmǔ ma?) - Can I trouble you to pass on a message to my parents?
3. 捎话 (shāohuà) - to convey a message, to pass on a message
Example: 他让我捎话给你,说他会晚点到。(Tā ràng wǒ shāohuà gěi nǐ, shuō tā huì wǎndiǎn dào.) - He asked me to pass on a message to you, saying he will be late.
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1. 带 (dài) - to bring, to take along
2. 送 (sòng) - to deliver, to send
3. 递 (dì) - to hand over, to pass on
4. 传 (chuán) - to transmit, to pass on
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