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收养 (shōu yǎng) means to take in and bring up, or to adopt. It is a combination of the characters 收 (shōu), meaning "to receive" or "to take in", and 养 (yǎng), meaning "to bring up" or "to raise".
Example 1: 我姐姐和她丈夫收养了一个孩子。(Wǒ jiějie hé tā zhàngfū shōu yǎng le yī gè háizi.) My sister and her husband adopted a child.
Example 2: 这个孤儿院收养了很多孩子。(Zhè gè gū'ér yuàn shōu yǎng le hěn duō háizi.) This orphanage has taken in many children for adoption.
Example 3: 他们决定收养一只流浪猫。(Tāmen juédìng shōu yǎng yī zhī liúlàng māo.) They decided to adopt a stray cat.
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The word "收养" (shōuyǎng) means "to adopt" in English. You can use it in sentences when referring to adopting a child or an animal.
For example:
- 我们决定收养一只小狗。 (Wǒmen juédìng shōuyǎng yì zhī xiǎo gǒu.) - We decided to adopt a puppy.
- 她收养了一个孤儿。 (Tā shōuyǎng le yí gè gū'ér.) - She adopted an orphan.
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