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Hi! 行 has multiple entries in the trainchinese dictionary. There is another entry where 自行车 can be a good example:
行 / 行 [xing2] , (char) to move, to walk; to travel; to circulate; to perform, to practice; behavior; (lit.) trip
Example: 自行车 zì xíng chē [n] bike, bicycle
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1. 可以 (kěyǐ): can, be able to
2. 能 (néng): can, be able to
3. 合格 (hégé): qualified, competent
4. 胜任 (shèngrèn): be up to the task, be capable
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行 can be used to express agreement or approval. For example, if someone asks if you can do something, you can reply with 行 (xíng) to indicate that you are capable and willing to do it.
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