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出生 (chūshēng) is a verb that means "be born". It is used to describe the event of a person or animal coming into existence.
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1. 诞生 (dànshēng): This word literally means "give birth" and is used to refer to the process of being born.
2. 诞辰 (dànchén): This word literally means "birthday" and is used to refer to the day someone was born.
3. 出世 (chūshì): This word literally means "come out of the world" and is used to refer to the process of being born.
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In everyday conversation, 出生 (chūshēng) is commonly used to refer to the act of being born. For example, one might say, "我的孩子出生了 (wǒ de háizi chūshēng le), which translates to "My child was born". It can also be used to refer to the birth of a person in the past, such as "他出生在上海 (tā chūshēng zài Shànghǎi), which translates to "He was born in Shanghai".
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