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未免 (wèi miǎn) is a Chinese phrase that can be translated as "rather, a bit too" in English. It is often used to express a feeling of dissatisfaction or disapproval towards something that is considered excessive or extreme.
For example, if someone says "这件衣服未免太贵了" (zhè jiàn yī fu wèi miǎn tài guì le), it means "This piece of clothing is rather too expensive." In this sentence, 未免 (wèi miǎn) emphasizes the speaker's opinion that the price of the clothing is too high.
Another example could be "他的态度未免太冷漠了" (tā de tài du wèi miǎn tài lěng mò le), which means "His attitude is rather too indifferent." Here, 未免 (wèi miǎn) conveys the speaker's disapproval of the person's cold and distant attitude.
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