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无偿 (wúcháng) is a compound word made up of 无 (wú) meaning "without" and 偿 (cháng) meaning "compensation." Together, they convey the idea of something being done or given without any expectation of receiving something in return.
For example, 我愿意无偿帮助你学习汉语。(Wǒ yuànyì wúcháng bāngzhù nǐ xuéxí hànyǔ.) This means "I am willing to help you learn Chinese for free." In this sentence, 无偿 emphasizes that the help being offered is completely free and without any expectation of payment or compensation.
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1. 免费 (miǎnfèi) - This word also means "free" and is often used to describe something that does not require payment or cost.
2. 不收费 (bù shōufèi) - Literally meaning "not charging fees," this phrase is commonly used to indicate that something is free of charge.
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