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1. 这种珍稀动物在野外已经变得十分稀少。(Zhè zhǒng zhēnxī dòngwù zài yěwài yǐjīng biàn dé shífēn xīshǎo.) - This rare animal has become very scarce in the wild.
2. 这种药材在市场上很稀少,很难买到。(Zhè zhǒng yàocái zài shìchǎng shàng hěn xīshǎo, hěn nán mǎi dào.) - This medicinal herb is very rare in the market and is difficult to buy.
3. 这里的人口稀少,所以交通不是很发达。(Zhèlǐ de rénkǒu xīshǎo, suǒyǐ jiāotōng bù shì hěn fādá.) - The population here is sparse, so the transportation is not very developed.
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