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Yes, there is a difference between 虚假 (xūjiǎ) and 假 (jiǎ) when we mean to say "false" or "fake." 虚假 (xūjiǎ) conveys a sense of being deceptive or deceitful, implying that something is intentionally misleading or dishonest. 假 (jiǎ) simply means "false" or "fake," without the connotation of intentional deceit.
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虚假 (xūjiǎ) is used to describe something that is not true or genuine. It can be used to describe a person's behavior, words, or actions. For example, someone who is lying or pretending to be something they are not can be described as 虚假 (xūjiǎ). It can also be used to describe a situation or thing that is not real or genuine, such as a false promise or a sham product. It is often used in contrast to 真实 (zhēnshí), which means "true, real".
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虚假之言 (xūjiǎ zhī yán): False words or false promises. This phrase is used to describe words or promises that are not genuine or sincere.
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