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1. 他自高自大,从不听取别人的意见。(Tā zì gāo zì dà, cóng bù tīng qǔ bié rén de yì jiàn.) - He is arrogant and never listens to others' opinions.
2. 她总是自高自大地认为自己是最聪明的。(Tā zǒng shì zì gāo zì dà de rèn wéi zì jǐ shì zuì cōng ming de.) - She always has a high opinion of herself and thinks she is the smartest.
3. 这位老板自高自大,不把员工的想法放在眼里。(Zhè wèi lǎo bǎn zì gāo zì dà, bù bǎ yuán gōng de xiǎng fǎ fàng zài yǎn lǐ.) - This boss is arrogant and doesn't care about his employees' ideas.
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