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Hi, Thank you for the comment!
We have added the suggested phrase to our dictionary:
一点儿礼貌都不懂,岂有此理! / 一點兒禮貌都不懂,豈有此理! [yi4 dianr3 li3 mao4 dou1 bu4 dong3 , qi3 you3 ci3 li3 !] , (phr) Not having even a little bit of manner, how absurd!
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岂有此理 (qǐyǒu cǐ lǐ) is a four-character idiom. The first character, 岂 (qǐ), means "how" or "in what way". The rest, 有此理 (yǒu cǐ lǐ), means "there is such a reason". Together, the idiom is literally translated to "in what way can there be such a season", meaning "outrageous, preposterous, absurd". The idiom is used to express disbelief or disagreement.
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不可思议 (bù kě sīyì) - "inconceivable, unimaginable"
荒谬 (huāngmiù) - "absurd, ridiculous"
荒唐 (huāngtáng) - "absurd, ridiculous"
合理 (hélǐ) - "reasonable, logical"
明智 (míngzhì) - "wise, judicious"
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