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天坛 (tiān tán) refers to the Temple of Heaven, a famous religious complex in Beijing, China. It was built in the Ming Dynasty and was used by emperors to pray for good harvests and blessings from the heavens.
Example 1:
我们今天去参观天坛吧。(Wǒmen jīntiān qù cānguān tiān tán ba.)
Let's go visit the Temple of Heaven today.
Example 2:
天坛是一座古老的建筑,每年都吸引着众多游客。(Tiān tán shì yī zuò gǔlǎo de jiànzhù, měinián dōu xīyǐn zhe zhòngduō yóukè.)
The Temple of Heaven is an ancient building that attracts many tourists every year.
Example 3:
在中国传统文化中,天坛被视为与天地相连的神圣之地。(Zài Zhōngguó chuántǒng wénhuà zhōng, tiān tán bèi shìwéi yǔ tiāndì xiānglián de shénshèng zhī dì.)
In Chinese traditional culture, the Temple of Heaven is seen as a sacred place connected to the heavens and the earth.
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