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1. 我们的团队正在积极参与救灾工作。(Wǒmen de tuánduì zhèngzài jījí cānyù jiùzāi gōngzuò.) - Our team is actively participating in disaster relief work.
2. 政府已经启动了救灾计划。(Zhèngfǔ yǐjīng qǐdòng le jiùzāi jìhuà.) - The government has already launched a disaster relief plan.
3. 志愿者们在救灾现场分发食物和水。(Zhìyuànzhěmen zài jiùzāi xiànchǎng fēnfā shíwù hé shuǐ.) - Volunteers are distributing food and water at the disaster site.
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