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The difference between 游泳 (yóu yǒng), 泅水 (qiú shuǐ), and 游 (yóu) is as follows:
游泳 (yóu yǒng) specifically refers to swimming as a sport or recreational activity. It involves moving through water using various swimming strokes.
泅水 (qiú shuǐ) refers to swimming as a general term. It can refer to any form of swimming, including swimming for leisure, exercise, or in a non-competitive context.
游 (yóu) is a more general term that can mean "to swim" or "swimming." It can be used in various contexts to refer to swimming, such as swimming in a pool, lake, or ocean. It is a more casual and versatile term compared to 游泳 (yóu yǒng) or 泅水 (qiú shuǐ).
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