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1. 这个国家的政治事态非常复杂。(Zhè ge guó jiā de zhèng zhì shì tài fēi cháng fù zá.) - The political situation in this country is very complicated.
2. 事态的发展让人担忧。(Shì tài de fā zhǎn ràng rén dān yōu.) - The development of the situation is worrying.
3. 随着疫情的蔓延,事态变得更加严峻。(Suí zhe yì qíng de màn yán, shì tài biàn de gèng jiā yán jùn.) - With the spread of the epidemic, the situation has become more severe.
4. 他的不作为导致了事态的恶化。(Tā de bù zuò wéi dǎo zhì le shì tài de è huà.) - His inaction has led to the worsening of the situation.
5. 我们必须采取措施来应对这一紧急的事态。(Wǒ men bì xū cǎi qǔ cuò shī lái yìng duì zhè yī jǐn jí de shì tài.) - We must take measures to deal with this urgent situation.
6. 事态的发展超出了我们的预料。(Shì tài de fā zhǎn chāo chū le wǒ men de yù liào.) - The development of the situation has exceeded our expectations.
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Synonymous words for 事态 (shìtài):
1. 情况 (qíngkuàng) - situation, circumstances
2. 局面 (júmiàn) - state of affairs, situation
3. 形势 (xíngshì) - situation, state of affairs
Antonymous words: none.
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