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1. 技巧 (jìqiǎo): skill, technique
2. 技艺 (jìyì): skill, craftsmanship
3. 技术 (jìshù): skill, technique
4. 技能 (jìnéng): skill, ability
5. 技法 (jìfǎ): skill, technique
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1. 艺术手法 (yìshù shǒufǎ) - artistic techniques/methods: This refers to the various skills and methods used in creating art, such as painting, sculpture, or calligraphy. It can also refer to the unique style or approach of an artist.
2. 写作手法 (xiězuò shǒufǎ) - writing techniques/methods: This refers to the skills and methods used in writing, such as using literary devices, structure, and language to create a compelling piece of writing.
3. 诈骗手法 (zhàpiàn shǒufǎ) - fraud techniques/methods: This refers to the use of illegal or dishonest methods to deceive and cheat others for financial gain.
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