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随时随地 (suí shí suí dì) is used in a sentence to express the idea of "anytime and anywhere" in the following ways:
1. 我的手机随时随地都能上网。(Wǒ de shǒujī suí shí suí dì dōu néng shàngwǎng.) - My phone can access the internet anytime and anywhere.
2. 随时随地保持联系是很重要的。(Suí shí suí dì bǎochí liánxì shì hěn zhòngyào de.) - It's important to stay connected anytime and anywhere.
3. 我们的服务团队随时随地为您提供帮助。(Wǒmen de fúwù tuánduì suí shí suí dì wèi nín tígōng bāngzhù.) - Our service team is always ready to help you anytime and anywhere.
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