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One term that has a similar meaning to "问世" is "面世" (miàn shì). Both "问世" and "面世" refer to something being introduced or made available to the public for the first time. However, "面世" can also be used to describe a person or thing appearing in front of others for the first time.
Another term that has a similar meaning is "发布" (fā bù). This word specifically refers to the act of releasing or publishing something, such as a book or product, for the first time. It can also be used in a broader sense to describe the act of making something known or public.
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It is appropriate to use '问世' when referring to the first time a product, idea, or concept is introduced to the public. This can include books, movies, inventions, or any other form of creation.
For example, you can say "这本书将在下个月问世" (zhè běn shū jiāng zài xià gè yuè wèn shì) which means "This book will be published next month."
Another example is "这部电影已经问世十年了" (zhè bù diàn yǐng yǐ jīng wèn shì shí nián le) which means "This movie has been out for ten years."
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The appropriate way to use '问世' in a sentence is to describe the first time something is published or released to the public. It can also be used to describe the first appearance or debut of a person or thing.
Example 1: 这位年轻作家的第一本小说即将问世。(Zhè wèi niánqīng zuòjiā de dì yī běn xiǎoshuō jí jiāng wèn shì.) This young writer's first novel is about to be published.
Example 2: 这款新产品问世后受到了广泛的关注。(Zhè kuǎn xīn chǎnpǐn wèn shì hòu shòu dào le guǎngfàn de guānzhù.) This new product received widespread attention after its release.
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