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Yes, 邀请 (yāoqǐng) is often used in sentences to mean "invite; invitation". For example:
我邀请你参加我的生日派对 (Wǒ yāoqǐng nǐ cānjiā wǒ de shēngrì pàiduì.) - I invite you to my birthday party.
我们邀请了一位著名作家 (Wǒmen yāoqǐng le yī wèi zhùmíng de zuòjiā.) - We invited a famous author.
他们收到了一份邀请函 (Tāmen shōudào le yī fèn yāoqǐnghán.) - They received an invitation.
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1. 请求 (qǐngqiú): to request; to ask for; to solicit
2. 号召 (hàozhào): to call; to summon; to invite
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