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In everyday conversation, 纵横 (zòng héng) is often used to describe someone who is able to move quickly and freely in all directions, both vertically and horizontally. It can also refer to someone who is skilled at navigating through different situations or challenges with ease.
For example, you might hear someone say "他在商场里纵横自如" (tā zài shāng chǎng lǐ zòng héng zì rú), which means "He moves freely and confidently in the shopping mall." This implies that the person is able to navigate through the crowded and busy environment without any difficulty.
Another common usage of 纵横 is in the phrase "纵横捭阖" (zòng héng bǎi hé), which means to have a wide range of knowledge and skills, and to be able to use them effectively. This phrase is often used to describe someone who is versatile and capable in various areas
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