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1. 通关后,你可以解锁更多的游戏内容。(Tōngguān hòu, nǐ kěyǐ jiěsuǒ gèng duō de yóuxì nèiróng.) - After passing through customs, you can unlock more game content.
2. 他们在机场通关时遇到了一些问题。(Tāmen zài jīchǎng tōngguān shí yùdào le yīxiē wèntí.) - They encountered some problems when passing through customs at the airport.
3. 为了顺利通关,我们需要准备好所有的文件。(Wèile shùnlì tōngguān, wǒmen xūyào zhǔnbèi hǎo suǒyǒu de wénjiàn.) - In order to pass through customs smoothly, we need to prepare all the necessary documents.
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