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1. 分 (fēn) can be used to refer to a unit of length, area, or weight. For example, 分米 (fēn mǐ) is a unit of length equal to one-tenth of a meter.
2. 分 (fēn) can also be used to express fractions and percentages. For example, 三分之二 (sān fēn zhī èr) is two-thirds.
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分 (fēn) is used to express fractions and percentages. For example, 三分之二 (sān fēn zhī èr) means "two thirds". It is also used to express units of time, length, area, and weight. For example, 一分钟 (yī fēnzhōng) means "one minute". It can also be used to express units of interest rate, such as 年利率 (nián lìlǜ) meaning "annual interest rate".
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