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我喜欢吃葵花子。 (Wǒ xǐhuan chī kuíhuāzǐ.) - I like to eat sunflower seeds.
葵花子是一种营养丰富的零食。 (Kuíhuāzǐ shì yī zhǒng yíngyǎng fēngfù de língshí.) - Sunflower seeds are a nutritious snack.
我在田里看到一朵葵花,它的葵花子 (kuí huā zǐ) 都已经成熟了。 (Wǒ zài tián lǐ kàn dào yī duǒ kuíhuā, tā de kuíhuāzǐ dōu yǐjīng chéngshú le.) - I saw a sunflower in the field, its seeds have all ripened.
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