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1. 好 (hǎo) - good; well; fine
2. 良好 (liánghǎo) - good; well; satisfactory
3. 优秀 (yōuxiù) - excellent; outstanding
4. 出色 (chūsè) - outstanding; remarkable
1. 不好 (bùhǎo) - not good; bad
2. 差 (chà) - poor; inferior
3. 糟糕 (zāogāo) - terrible; awful
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"你要好好学习,才能考上好大学 (nǐ yào hǎohǎo xuéxí, cái néng kǎo shàng hǎo dàxué)."
This sentence means "You need to study hard in order to get into a good university." The word 好好 (hǎohǎo) is used to emphasize the importance of studying hard. It implies that one should study diligently and properly in order to achieve the desired result.
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