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1. 意味深长 (yì wèi shēn cháng) - deep meaning; profound implication
This phrase is often used to describe something that has a deeper or hidden meaning, usually in a philosophical or metaphorical sense.
2. 意味不明 (yì wèi bù míng) - unclear meaning; ambiguous
This phrase is used to express confusion or uncertainty about the meaning of something.
3. 意味深远 (yì wèi shēn yuǎn) - far-reaching implications
This phrase is used to describe something that has significant or long-lasting implications or consequences.
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Formal: 意味 (yì wèi) is used to refer to the meaning, implication, or overtone of something.
Informal: 意味 (yì wèi) can be used to describe the hidden meaning or implication of something.
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