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1. 街道上 (jiēdào shàng) - on the street; this is a more formal and literary term for 街上, and is often used in written language or formal speech.
2. 街头 (jiētóu) - on the street; this term is more commonly used in spoken language and has a slightly more casual connotation than 街上.
3. 马路上 (mǎlù shàng) - on the road; this term specifically refers to being on the street while walking or driving, and is often used in traffic-related contexts.
4. 街角 (jiējiǎo) - on the street corner; this term refers to being at a specific location on the street, usually a corner, and is often used when giving directions or describing a scene.
5. 街道旁 (jiēdào páng) - beside the street; this term emphasizes the location next to the street rather than being on the street itself.
6. 街边 (jiēbiān) - by the street; this term can refer to being on the street or near the street, and is often used to describe the location of a building or business.
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街上 (jiēshàng) is used to describe a location that is on the street. For example, you could say: 我们在街上走着 (wǒmen zài jiēshàng zǒu zhe) which means "We are walking on the street".
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