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The main difference between 比起 (bǐ qǐ) and 比 (bǐ) is that 比起 is often used to emphasize the act of comparison, bringing a contrastive focus. It typically introduces a comparison more explicitly than "比" in this structure "比起...,...更...":
- 比起去年,今年的销售额增长了很多。Bǐ qǐ qùnián, jīnnián de xiāoshòu'é zēngzhǎng le hěn duō. English translation: Compared to last year, this year's sales have increased significantly.
- 比 (bǐ) on the other hand used to directly compare two things. 今天的天气比昨天好。Jīntiān de tiānqi bǐ zuótiān hǎo. English translation: Today’s weather is better than yesterday’s.
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