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获奖 (huò jiǎng) means "win a prize" or "prize-winning" in English. It is a verb that describes the action of receiving an award or prize for one's achievements or contributions.
Example 1:
我很荣幸地获得了这次比赛的冠军奖杯。(Wǒ hěn róngxìng de huòdé le zhè cì bǐsài de guànjūn jiǎngbēi.)
I am honored to have won the championship trophy in this competition.
Example 2:
他的作品获得了国际文学奖。(Tā de zuòpǐn huòdé le guójì wénxué jiǎng.)
His work won the international literature prize.
Example 3:
这位演员凭借出色的表演获得了最佳男主角奖。(Zhè wèi yǎnyuán píngjiè chūsè de biǎoyǎn huòdé le zuìjiā nán zhǔjiǎo jiǎng.)
This actor won the Best Actor award for his outstanding performance.
Example 4:
她的研究成果获得了学术界的认可。(Tā de yánjiū chéngguǒ huòdé le xuéshù jiè de rènkě.)
Her research achievements have been recognized by the academic community.
Example 5:
这部电影获奖无数,备受好评。(Zhè bù diànyǐng huòjiǎng wúshù, bèishòu hǎopíng.)
This movie has won numerous awards and received rave reviews.
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