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1. 我想用美金付款。(Wǒ xiǎng yòng měijīn fùkuǎn.) - I want to pay with US dollars.
2. 这件商品的价格是100美金。(Zhè jiàn shāngpǐn de jiàgé shì yībǎi měijīn.) - The price of this item is 100 US dollars.
3. 我们可以用美金兑换人民币吗?(Wǒmen kěyǐ yòng měijīn duìhuàn rénmínbì ma?) - Can we exchange US dollars for Chinese yuan?
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Yes, 美金 (měijīn) is appropriate to use in a formal setting when referring to the US dollar. It is a commonly used term in both spoken and written Chinese, and its meaning is clear and straightforward. The word 美 (měi) means "beautiful" or "America," and 金 (jīn) means "gold" or "money," so together they form the word for "US dollar." This term is widely used in business and financial contexts, as well as in everyday conversations.
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