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In terms of formality, 周日 (zhōurì) is considered more formal than other words that mean "Sunday" in Chinese. This is because 周日 is a compound word made up of two characters, 周 (zhōu) meaning "week" and 日 (rì) meaning "day", which gives it a more formal and structured feel.
Other words that mean "Sunday" in Chinese include 星期日 (xīngqīrì), 星期天 (xīngqītiān), and 礼拜天 (lǐbàitiān). These words are all made up of three characters and are more commonly used in spoken language, making them less formal than 周日.
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周日 (zhōurì) is only used to refer to Sunday. It is not used in any other context.
In Chinese, there are other words that can refer to Sunday, such as 星期日 (xīngqīrì) and 礼拜日 (lǐbàirì).
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周日愉快 (zhōurì yúkuài) - Happy Sunday
This phrase is commonly used to wish someone a happy Sunday.
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