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The grammar structure for using 拂 (fú) in a sentence is as follows:
Subject + 拂 (fú) + Object
拂 (fú) is a transitive verb, which means it requires an object to complete its meaning. It is often used to describe the action of lightly touching or stroking something.
Example 1: 我轻轻地拂 (fú) 了拂她的头发。(Wǒ qīngqīng de fú le fú tā de tóufa.) I lightly stroked her hair.
Example 2: 他用手指拂 (fú) 了一下桌面。(Tā yòng shǒuzhǐ fú le yīxià zhuō miàn.) He lightly touched the desk with his finger.
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